Bridge winners

May 5 - 1st. Graham Todd and Jim McLean, 2nd. Ona Bouchard and Ruth Embree, 3rd. Lynne Storey and John Parton

May 5 – 1st. Graham Todd and Jim McLean, 2nd. Ona Bouchard and Ruth Embree, 3rd. Lynne Storey and John Parton. May 7 –  1st. Arlene and Bert Lamoureux, 2nd. Geoff Collins and Eileen Harle, 3rd. Trudy Montgomery and Madeline Downie. Cedar Heights Duplicate, May 6 – 1st. Eileen Harle & Geoff Collins, 2nd. Betty & Fred Bergmann, 3rd. Sharon Eckstrom & Diane Wiebe.


Salmon Arm Observer