Taxidermy duck feathers are ideal for Ducks Unlimited Canada National Fly Tyers Challenge. Photo by Don Daniels

Campbell River fly tyers, show your talents!

By Don Daniels

By Don Daniels

When it comes to fly-tyers around Campbell River, there is an abundance of talent.

The local clubs encourage this activity and the interest in fly-tying continues to grow each year. Prior to the COVID pandemic, I have had sessions for fly-tying beginners and I learned something each and every time we met. I was interested to see people of all ages sit down and concentrate on the basics and have fun developing their own patterns that can catch salmon or trout. We couldn’t get together this year but I hope the students who came to my fly-tying sessions are continuing to tie up fly patterns and go fishing.

Ducks Unlimited Canada has a national fly-tyers challenge and you can register to win some great prizes. Submit your patterns in two categories that will support DUC wetlands conservation efforts:

– Tyers Choice: Submit your best dry, wet streamer, popper or saltwater fly based on your own original creation or your favorite existing pattern of your own choice.

– Fly and Fowl: Submit your best original waterfowl themed fly and use the colour of your favorite dabbler, diver, goose or gander to inspire your pattern. Registration fee is $10 and your entry can be mailed to Ducks Unlimited Canada, attention Fly Tyers Challenge, 752 Union Street, Fredericton, NB E3A3P2. Deadline for submissions is July 25, 2021.

Flies must be packaged with your name, email, postal address and telephone number and fly pattern name and category to be entered with proof of registration. Prizes will be awarded provincially in each category for first place. Provincial winners will be showcased on National judging will take place Aug. 9 to 12, 2021, and the grand prize winner announced Aug. 13. All fly patterns become property of DUC to use in a national fishing themed auction later this summer. Proceeds from the auction will further DUC conservation efforts.

If anyone is in need of fowl feathers, I have plenty extra and will donate them to you; they include duck, goose and partridge and many colours of hackle. You can email me at This is a chance for experienced tiers or even beginners to show off your talents and have some fun to support Ducks Unlimited Canada.

When the heat hit us at the end of June, many people took to the lakes and rivers to swim or cool off and even go fishing in some local pools that will have pink salmon in weeks to come. Lures or fly patterns will be pink and local tackle shops sell hundreds. Many will get lost in faster water and get snagged up in the rocks and tree branches.

Last year the first signs of pinks were at Kelsey Bay in Sayward and during COVID times, people are social distancing on the wharf.

Fishing activity has picked up locally and the most challenging thing this time of year is low tides and moving boats around has been difficult in some areas.

I haven’t been to April Point in years but a trip is being planned in days to come.

Campbell River Mirror