A quartet of Williams Lake athletes — Garret Leroy (from left), Tyson Delay, Travis Burns made the trek north to Prince during the 2018 Northern Powerlifting Classic at the XConditioning gym. (Photo submitted)

A quartet of Williams Lake athletes — Garret Leroy (from left), Tyson Delay, Travis Burns made the trek north to Prince during the 2018 Northern Powerlifting Classic at the XConditioning gym. (Photo submitted)

Cariboo Classic Amateur Powerlifting Competition coming up in 2020

Categories will be open to both men and women between three weight classes

A Williams Lake strongman and strength athlete, Tyson Delay, wants to raise awareness and to promote the sport of powerlifting in the lakecity.

Tyson Delay and his Northern Academy of Strength is teaming up with Concrete Fitness to host the first ever Cariboo Classic Amateur Powerlifting Competition to ring in the new year on Jan. 11.

“This meet will be run with prison-style rules so judging won’t be super strict and no singlets or special equipment is needed,” Delay said, noting he hopes this will encourage more people who have been interested in trying out the sport to participate.

“Just don’t show up wearing the bulkier clothing you have. This is meant to be a fun event set up for people thinking about getting into the sport of powerlifting.”

Categories will be open to both men and women between three weight classes and two divisions in push pull and full power divisions.

Read More: Lakecity powerlifters make presence felt at northern meet

“We’ve already done strongman here [this past summer], and the biggest complaint I get is I’ve never organized any of the powerlifting stuff,” he said. “Everyone’s touched a barbell, everyone’s benched and everyone’s deadlifted so we want to include as many people as we can and we’re going to run it like a nice, small, fun meet.”

Delay said the team at Concrete Fitness has been extremely supportive in helping put on the event, and added it’s nice to be able to support them and to show off the gym by hosting a powerlifting meet at the business.

“Come on out,” he said. “We don’t want anyone to focus on putting up crazy numbers. The more people who come out and have fun the better, and hopefully we can get some more people into the sport.”

Cost is $45 due on weight in at 8:30 a.m. Jan. 11. There will be a safety meeting to follow at 9:30 a.m., followed by lifting getting underway at 10 a.m. Prizes will be awarded for winners.

For more on what Delay and fellow lakecity strength athletes are up to visit the ‘Northern Academy of Strength – Cariboo Division’ on Facebook, or e-mail tysonrdelay@gmail.com.

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Williams Lake Tribune