Carlson, Riva win McQuinn Cup

Two-ball tournament at Comox Golf Club featured alternate shot format

GI CARLSON (RIGHT) and Nancy Riva are this year's McQuinn Cup winners.

GI CARLSON (RIGHT) and Nancy Riva are this year's McQuinn Cup winners.

The Comox Ladies Golf Club played for the McQuinn Cup Tuesday, July 22.

The McQuinn Cup is a two-ball tournament with one high handicap and one low handicap player as partners. It is a true alternate shot format. This year’s winners were Gi Carlson and Nancy Riva with a net score of 67.5.

Mary Buchanan and Barb Buchanan were second with 68; third- Patti Harris and Pat Ailes-70.5; fourth- Suzy Venuta and Louella Dooe- 71; fifth-June Fraser and Pat Schmidt-72; sixth-Phyllis Taylor and Linda Diamond-72 and seventh- Rosalie Williams and Linda Verdenhalven- 72.5.

Winners of the skill prizes were: Closest to the bucket- Bernice Sutherland; KP 3rd shot #4/13- Nancy Riva; KP #5/14 Linda Verdenhalven; KP 3rd shot #7/16- Sue Leakey; Longest putt went to Jean Kirby.

On an overcast Thursday evening , July 24, Janice Nicklin won low gross on a countback with Jan Dafoe with a score of 42. For low net, also in a count back, Phyllis Taylor beat out Linda Callender with a 33. Phyllis Taylor, Sue Leakey and Janice Nicklin won low putts with 14.

Winners of the skill prizes: Longest putts were Mary Buchanan and Sue Leakey. Closest to the bucket- Donna Woodman;  Longest drive (0-23)- Jan Dafoe; Longest drive (24+)- Brenda Good; KP#5 (0-23)- Linda Callender; 2nd shot #9- (24+); 3rd shot for all #4 was Laurie Appleyard; Water shots- Barb Siska; Sand Draw- Sue Leakey. Donna Ermantraut had a chip-in and her group was rewarded with chocolates. The green fees for non-members was won by Sheila Doncaster.

Remember to sign up in the pro shop 250-339-4444 or in the locker room. Tuesday mornings are a shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. You must be there by 8. Thursday evenings the shotgun is at 6 p.m. but sign in by 5:30 p.m.

The ladies club would like to thank all their generous sponsors:

Signature Wines, Arizona Gifts, Thrifty’s, Gibby’s Pro Shop, The Tee Box Restaurant, Kathy Branch Hairstyling, Chinook Forest Products, Mid Island Gifts, Panago Pizza, Looneyrama (Comox Mall)  and Playtime Gaming.

– Comox Ladies Golf


Comox Valley Record