Watching 40 not so young men attempt to play hockey as if they were still teenagers was not only humorous, but profitable for the Sources Langley Food Bank.
For the fifth year running, the Schreder Brothers Real Estate Group in Langley went up against Ingram Mortgage Team in a charity hockey game recently.
While they lost the game 7-6, organizers are hailing it a tremendous success.
The game, held in conjunction with a family skate with Santa, helped raise $6,500 and a pickup truck full of food that will be dropped off to Sources in the New Year, explained Jamie Schreder.
“We love doing this event not only for the benefit of the food bank, but also to bring our friends and family together so close to Christmas for a good conversation, an update on all of their busy lives,” he said, pleased with the turnout and donations, despite a downfall of snow.
“The big attraction once again this year was Santa making time for the family skate,” Schreder said.
“There were dozens of kids this year, who got to say hi to the big guy, and also (to their parents delight I’m sure) got bottomless bags of candy and chocolate.”
The event was held at the Surrey Sports & Leisure Complex in Fleetwood, featuring an hour-long skate with Santa, followed by almost two hours for the hockey game.
“It was heart warming to see the turnout of around 100-plus people coming out to support this cause even with all the snow that fell that Sunday,” Schreder said.
“With the continued support we see each year, and coming off of a loss, we look forward to hosting this event next year, raising even more money and of course, redeeming ourselves,” he said, referring to the charity game, and what he describes as a “hard-fought and close game” that was lost thanks to some “hard-earned penalty shots” that earned Team Ingram the victory.
• Click here to see more photos from the charity event