Climbing wall one step closer to reality

Money raised for a rock climbing wall is growing as students, teachers and parents from Ecole Jack Cook work together.

Money raised for a rock climbing wall is growing as students, teachers and parents from Ecole Jack Cook work together to bring a bouldering wall to the school.

Renee Syvret, principal at the school, says so far they have $3,000 for the wall and she expects to start construction by the spring.

“It was a dream,” she said, noting the idea of building a bouldering wall has been talked about for a few years at the school.

Depending on how much money is raised, Syvret hopes to build the wall 13.5 metres long, which is the length of the school gym.

“Nothing we have is set in stone, we just have preliminary ideas,” she said, explaining she will know more when the school starts shopping around this month.

Syvret feels that once built, the climbing wall would be a benefit to recreation in Terrace.

“The minute winter comes around  there is nowhere to practice,” she explained of rock climbers in Terrace. “It would answer a need.”

The wall would also benefit students as they gain another avenue for physical activity.

About half of the $3,000 raised was from a grant to promote good health from the Northern Health Authority. The remaining money was raised by hosting community dinners, and a hot meal program at the school where each student’s family cooks lunch for all 32 students once a year. Students then purchase the hot lunch by donation, all of which goes into the pot to pay for the climbing wall.

Terrace Standard