Clippers high on Voth

Armstrong’s Victoria Voth brings vast athletic experience to the Briercrest College Clippers women’s basketball team for the 2015-16 season.


Briercrest Athletics

Armstrong’s Victoria Voth brings vast athletic experience to the Briercrest College (Sask.) Clippers women’s basketball team for the 2015-16 season.

The 5-foot-10 forward began playing basketball at a young age and has played a number of positions.

“I started playing basketball when I was seven years old in Abbotsford through Athletes in Action,” said Voth, a graduate of Pleasant Valley Secondary.

“I played as a junior in Grade 9 as a centre and played in one senior tournament, then moved up to senior in Grade 10 as a centre.”

Voth made the U17 UBCO Junior Heat as a forward for the summer season of Grade 11, and then played senior boys in Grade 12 as point guard because there was no girls team.

Voth’s teams have been successful throughout her high school career.

“We made appearances at AA Valleys in Grades 11 and 12,” she said.

“I also attended B.C. Basketball tryout camps in Grades 10/11. I gained approximately 20 MVP shirts and 1,500 points throughout my high school career.

“We had an 18-3 season with UBCO Junior Heat. We won all but one of our tournaments including the Edmonton Swoosh Series.

“My favorite memory of high school basketball is sinking an alley-oop to win the game in playoffs of Grade 10 that sent us to Valleys.”

Briercrest women’s basketball head coach Dwight Olney is excited to have Voth headed to Caronport, Sask.

“In Victoria, the Briercrest women’s basketball program gains a versatile athlete who has not only played different sports, but has played all five positions on the basketball court,” said Olney.

“She’s tough (played boys’ rugby for three years), she’s quick and she’s a great leaper (from her high jumping days). Following on the heels of brother Adam (who played for the Briercrest hockey team), Victoria is poised to make her mark on this new and exciting women’s basketball program.”

Voth competed in several other sports in Armstrong.

“I also swam competitively with Salmon Arm Sockeyes for three years and also played volleyball, soccer, rugby and track,” said Voth.

“I also danced for five years, two of those being on the travelling Adrenaline Dance Team at PVSS which has received dance scores all above the 90s for this competitive season.”

Voth has also been on the honour roll through Grades 9-12, and the Principal’s list for Grades 10 and 11.

She was selected as Athlete of the Year for all years eligible (Grade 9 and 10) and took the Steven Ross Athletic Memorial Award in Grade 9.

Voth, whose father is a dairy farmer, is excited to step onto the Briercrest campus this fall.

“I am extremely looking forward to come to Briercrest to strengthen myself as an athlete and improve on my basketball IQ, as well as strengthen my relationship with God,” she said.

“I am so excited to train and build on my playing ability with other girls that love Jesus and all have the same mindset as I do. I am planning on studying general studies with a minor in kinesiology, and I cannot wait to apply myself to this field of study.”

Caronport is a village with a population of 919 located 21 kilometres west of Moose Jaw.


Vernon Morning Star