Cloverdale Community Football
Here are results from the Oct. 12 games.
Atom Division
Cloverdale Tigers: 32
Royal City Hyacks: 6
Location: Mercer Stadium
The Cloverdale Tigers defense held strong with Elijah Melnyk making good plays to contain the sweep. Tyson Gayle made an on-side recovery. In addition, Saraj Mann made a convert kick block against the Hyacks. Joseph Domingo made four touchdowns, and Arjun A1 Kang with four convert kicks.
The final score was 32-6 for the Cloverdale Tigers.
Cloverdale Lions: 20
Richmond Raiders: 8
Location: Cloverdale
A strong performance from the linemen resulted in a win for the Cloverdale Lions, including two extra point run-ins. Overall, the LIons dominated over the Raiders in both defence and offence, allowing just a single touchdown.