Registration is underway for the Comox Valley Baseball Association 2015 Spring Baseball and Girls U12-U19 Softball.
The CVBA website notes that this year, in addition to co-ed baseball, the group is offering a softball program for girls U12, U14, U16 and U18/19.
Girls can register for baseball or softball, whichever they’d prefer.
Also new this year is online registration only. “We will no longer be accepting paper registrations,” says CVBA registrar Marcia Wilson. “Don’t worry, you can still pay with a cheque.”
To register, go to and click on 2015 Registration Form in the red menu bar.
If your child is a returning player, you will simply click on “What’s my access code?” and you will receive an email with your code. This code enables you to complete the form by updating last year’s information.
Everyone who registers before March 31 will be guaranteed a spot on a team. There were 284 registrations last year, so early registration is advised. “It allows our volunteers time to get organized for the season,” Wilson notes.
Weather-permitting, the season will run from the beginning of May to the end of June – each division makes the final decision on their start date. Some divisions may even start up by mid-April depending on the coaches.
The CVBA website has details of which days of the week each division plays and their field locations.
Payment for registration can be made online with a credit card: you do not need to have a Paypal account as there is a secure one-time guest payment option.
Payment can also be made with a cheque. This can be brought on uniform pick-up night (date TBD).
All registrants (except Blastball) are required to provide a $100 jersey deposit cheque.
For more information, check the FAQ tab at