Brett Bonderud, Black Press
Don’t live through your kids – they’re living their own lives, is the message behind the Semiahmoo Minor Hockey Association’s involvement in Respect in Sport -Parent.
The one-hour online course is a tool for parents to evaluate their own behaviours and recognize their natural influence on their children.
“It’s a learning and awareness tool for problematic parents,” Ian Maguire, president of Semiahmoo Minor Hockey Association, said.
The program focuses on a variety of topics including player development, and interaction with children, coaches and other parents.
“Sports are fun,” Macguire said.
He’s all too often seen parents who try to live their lives through their children – pushing them to succeed. They can also push them right out of hockey.
“Every parent, me included, will benefit from the course material. We all want our children to be successful, hardworking and respectful – on and off the ice. The best way we can support our kids is to set the tone ourselves by cheering, coaching and encouraging with respect,” Macquire said in a press release.
“Semiahmoo Minor Hockey’s number one priority is providing a safe and fun environment for our players,” Macquire told Peace Arch News.
To learn more about the program, visit