For the Fernie Jr. Ghostriders novice teams, Boston Pizza wasn’t just a great venue to enjoy delicious pizza. This past season Boston Pizza supported the teams by purchasing 34 novice player track suits and donating a percentage of their sales, $500, to the Fernie Minor Hockey league.
In return, the eager hockey players visited Boston Pizza every Wednesday in March to hostess and make their very own pizza to bring home.
A 50/50 draw was also set up to raise money for the Fernie Jr. Ghostrider novice teams.
The winner of the 50/50 was drawn last Wednesday evening, with Marion Cravelle taking home around $500, $50 of which she donated back to the novice hockey leagues.
Last Wednesday marked the last day of hostessing for these eager hockey players, who were also given the opportunity to march with the Boston Pizza mascot during the Griz Days parade.
Manager Marty Williams said he is thankful for all that Boston Pizza has done for the novice teams.