Bikers hit the road during last years Tour de Jackpine.

Bikers hit the road during last years Tour de Jackpine.

First race of the season

Bikers can get ready to race as the kick-off event of the cycling season will take place May 1 at Ferry Island.

Bikers can get ready to race as the kick-off event of the cycling season will take place May 1 at Ferry Island.

The Ferry Island Flatout will be hosted by the Terrace Off Road Cycling Association (TORCA) and the City of Terrace.

The event is open to both children and adults, with a cost of $ 5, or $2 for TORCA members.

This is a great kick-off race to shake out the cobwebs,” said Tara Irwin, vice president for TORCA. “We decided to develop a race that would be family friendly, and provide an opportunity to get out the mountain bike in a relaxed environment close the city.”

Irwin said the race will not be very technical and focuses on speed over skill.

She encourages everyone interested to grab their bikes and come out for the race.

A BBQ will be included in the entry fee.

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