Fomer N.L.L. player Jeff Moleski preeches the importance of proper stick handling.Heather Norman photos

Fomer N.L.L. player Jeff Moleski preeches the importance of proper stick handling.Heather Norman photos

Former NLL player hosts lacrosse clinic at WFC

Jeff Moleski will be the new head coach of Zone 8 lacrosse team for B.C. Games

  • Apr. 16, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Cariboo lacrosse players were spoiled this weekend when former National Lacrosse League player Jeff Moleski hosted a one-day clinic at the West Fraser Centre on Saturday (April 13).

The 12-year veteran, who played for Calgary, Washington and Vancouver in his career, led about 60 players from Quesnel and Williams Lake through some drills in the free clinic.

Quesnel Lacrosse Association president Lisa Scott says the session went very well.

“We had a lot of coaches show up to learn more as well,” she says. “It’s nice to get extra help in the coaching for us small town associations.”

Thanks to some pressure from Scott, Moleski has also agreed to take on the Zone 8 coaching position for this year’s B.C. Games.

Moleski says passing along his knowledge has been quite fulfilling for him.

“I enjoy it more than I did playing,” he says. “It’s very rewarding and humbling at times.

“You have less control than when you play, but when things come together, it’s very rewarding.”

When pressed to comment on the one thing any aspiring young lacrosse player should do to be successful, he is quick to answer.

“Easy. Just keep you stick in your hand for an hour away from practice.

“You have got to have time spent with your stick in your hand at home. That’s the bottom line.

“Just practise with your stick, and the coaches can teach you the rest. Once you learn how to pass and catch on the run, you can do anything.”

READ MORE: Three box lacrossse players represent Quesnel at B.C. Summer Games

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