Apex Mountain has seen plenty of local riders make their way up this season. (Jesse Day - Western News)

Free lift tickets for Apex’ partner mountains suspended due to COVID-19

The enhanced reciprocal program is still open for Mt. Baldy

  • Jan. 30, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Apex Mountain Resort has suspended its enhanced reciprocal season pass program due to COVID-19.

The suspension applies to free lift tickets for Silver Star, Manning Park, Seymour, Mt. Washington, and Whitewater ski hills until Feb. 5.

The reciprocal program offers skiers who purchase a season’s pass at one of the partner hills a discount at the other ski hills, as well as two free lift tickets at a partner hill.

Apex’s decision follows the other mountains in suspending the free lift tickets to comply with provincial public health guidelines.

“We are still giving people the 25 per cent off, except for our blackout days on Saturday,” said Apex general manager James Shalman.

The enhanced reciprocal program is still open for the nearby Baldy Mountain Resort, except on Saturdays.

The suspension currently is set to last until Feb. 5 but will depend on public health orders regarding interprovincial travel.

READ MORE: No mask? Lose your pass at Apex

Even with the number of visitors from the Lower Mainland down, the season has been a good one for the mountain so far, with plenty of local traffic making their way up to the slopes, although not enough to make up for destination visits.

“If people want to come up midweek, they’ll essentially have the mountain to themselves,” said Shalman. “Saturdays are definitely the busiest day of the week. Just because of the numbers, we’re trying to just spread people out.”

Local businesses, including Pentagon Boardshop, Freeride, Sportcheck, at the Visit Penticton office, Costco, as well as Apex Resort’s website are currently offering discounted lift tickets for locals.

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