The 2020 Wasa Triathlon was cancelled. Above, the bike portion of the 2019 event. Bulletin file

Gerick Sports Wasa Triathlon committee is going ahead with planning 2021 event

Lots of uncertainty, but the committee has decided its too early to cancel

The organizing team for the Gerick Sports Wasa Triathlon have decided to go ahead with planning the 2021 triathlon despite all the uncertainty around the COVID-19 pandemic.

The triathlon was cancelled in 2020.

In a press release the committee thanked participants for their support, patience and understanding.

“It was amazing to receive so many supportive thoughts and comments on FB and by email.

“Over the past month Covid has been hitting our country hard with a second wave,” the release said. “This has made it uncomfortable for us to start talking about racing and registration. The recent enhanced restrictions are not easy and affecting us all. Our hope is the curve starts to flatten again as we go into the end of 2020 and the start of 2021. We are aware the situation is very fluid and uncertain but we have started planning for our event in 2021 with the mindset that by June events will be running, and the enhanced restrictions just temporary. We do expect a level of restrictions will still be in place in the spring so we are taking a flexible approach to our planning as we will follow all Health/Gov orders and restrictions.

“Prior to our province being hit by Covid’s second wave we were set up to open registration. In fact registration has been open for a couple weeks. We chose not to send out a notification as the timing did not feel right. The reason for this notification is to address questions and concerns of those wondering where we are at for 2021. This is what we can say, if orders and restrictions allow, we will be running the event in 2021. We do not know exactly how it will look, we know we will have to adapt and follow all orders to offer a safe and approved event. The current challenge is, we cannot be specific about details. We are working with the appropriate governing bodies to adapt the event and meet the criteria of the provincial and local governments in order to operate when restrictions are reduced.

“So we have our work cut out for us! The website has some updates but several details cannot be updated as we need to continue to work with partners, PSO and PHO as we move through this fluid process. As we get closer to the event we will have to say, ‘this is the way it will be’, and focus on details of that plan, but be flexible as the situation requires us to be.

“Please be aware though registration is open we do not expect a rush of registrations amidst this second wave of Covid. To take the pressure off we have removed the early bird registration and chose not to increase the regular fee from last year. Note a few changes on the registration include added information and waivers that are important to read/acknowledge and agree to before registering. Be aware registrants must acknowledge the ‘No refund policy’ and in order to attend as a participant, volunteer, and service provider, everyone will be expected on arrival to complete and pass a Health Assessment, follow all safety protocols and abide by the restrictions in place at that time.

“Deferred registrants from 2020 do not need to register again, you will need to sign updated waivers. An email will be sent to you prior to the event with instructions on that process. If you have any questions or concerns please be in touch.”

The Triathlon is also looking for interested people who might want to join the planning committee as a member at large or a course area specific captain, particularly a swim captain.

“You do not need to be a local to take on this role. The expectation would be for the interested party to have some event experience, safety/detail orientated, leadership skills, and organized. Bonus if you have water safety knowledge, such as a swim coach, lifeguard or swim instructor and or water rescue training.”

READ: Wasa Triathlon rescheduled for August

READ: Wasa Triathlon has successful weekend

carolyn.grant@kimberleybulletin.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Kimberley Bulletin