Golf and grits for Glacier Greens guys





On Tuesday, June 21 42 Glacier Greens golfers turned up for nine holes of golf and some supper afterwards. Here are the results:

Low gross +12 c/b Bob Edwards, Dan Dupuis, Leo Lamouthe, Mario Cannil. Second +12 Dave Wacowitch, Al Nichols, Hank Fortin, Wayne Mabee.

Low net –17 Jim Larocque, Warren Brandson, Brian Hotsenpiller, Jim Adie, Doug Mann. Second  –12 Roy Hagg, Nick Mykitiuk, Al Pasenan, Ross Brown.

Hole winners: #1 Roy Hagg – Brian McLean, #2  Dan Dupuis – Panago Pizza, #3 Hank Fortin -Jo Klassen’s Grill, #4 Barry Hewer – A&W/Chances, #5  Al Nichols – Alure Barber, #6  Phil Ball – Billy D’s, #7  Chris Pouliot – Griffin Pub, #8 Brian Hotsenpiller – Boston Pizza, #9 Richard Martin – Applebees.

Remember it’s all teams and you must sign in by 5:30 to start by 6 p.m.









Comox Valley Record