Last year’s Regatta. Leone Lund photo

Gray Creek Regatta this weekend

The race has run since 1923

With the smoke cleared and area restrictions from fires off, the Gray Creek Regatta is set to go this Labour Day weekend, September 4 and 5, 2021.

This event dates back to 1923 when the Moyie picked up contestants and spectators to bring them to Gray Creek and stayed at the dock for the day’s events, which included swimming contests and motor boat events. One of the original shields is still in contention. Starting from the Lakeview Resort in Gray Creek, the sails are easily visible from highway 3A .

The Gray Creek Pass is reported to be in decent shape, so head over, or take Hwy 3A, and make a day of it; visit the artisans of Crawford Bay and enjoy a meal at local restaurants.

READ: Gray Creek Regatta is on next weekend

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