Growing golf at Cheam Centre


Valerie Beebe and Jennifer Greggain show off some of the tools they will use to help children learn the game of golf.

Valerie Beebe and Jennifer Greggain show off some of the tools they will use to help children learn the game of golf.

Local golf instructor Valerie Beebe and Jennifer Greggain are offering a program for children this fall, one they believe is unique. Working as a pilot project out of the Cheam Leisure Centre,  the program is dubbed SNAG, short for Starting New at Golf.

Beebe describes it as a fun filled and affordable way for children to learn the game indoors. When good weather shows up, they can transfer their learned skills to a small outdoors course.

“We aim to teach valuable life lessons including self confidence, integrity, and respect,” she added. “The children will hopefully make new friendships and learn that golf is a timeless physical activity.”

Get more information on the new program by emailing Beebe at

Cheam Centre program coordinator Codie Hindle can be reached by email at

Chilliwack Progress