The Harlem Crowns ran circles around the NVSS basketball team but everyone had fun.

The Harlem Crowns ran circles around the NVSS basketball team but everyone had fun.

Harlem Crowns play NVSS

The Harlem Crowns played the NVSS Basketball team on Monday, November 18.

The Harlem Crowns played the NVSS Basketball team on Monday, November 18. The Crowns are an exhibition basketball team that employs practical jokes, theatre and athleticism all in the backdrop of a basketball game.

The two teams kept the scores within 10 points of each other but the Crowns took the win. A team of trained and tall basketball players had a bit of an unfair advantage on the high school team but everyone made a good show of it.

The Crowns took advantage of every moment to ad lib and they keep a constant stream of chatter throughout the game even while they slam dunk the ball.

The Harlem Crowns took double dribbling to a whole new meaning as they took turns carrying one another around the court. Then one player decided to quit and sit down in the audience for a few minutes.

The referees were good sports throughout the night, calling the penalties as often as they could while being harassed in good spirit by formidable basketball players.

The audience laughed and played right along with the players’ jokes and kept the fun going right until the game ended.


Vanderhoof Omineca Express