The Comox Valley Breakers and Whalers women’s hockey teams took to the ice Saturday. Photo by Patrick Murray

The Comox Valley Breakers and Whalers women’s hockey teams took to the ice Saturday. Photo by Patrick Murray

Hometown teams go head-to-head

The Comox Valley Breakers and Whalers women's hockey teams took to the ice Saturday

The Comox Valley houses not one, but two women’s hockey teams: the Breakers and the Whalers.

The two sides went head-to-head Saturday, March 3 at Glacier Gardens Arena in Comox.

The first period had multiple scoring opportunities for both teams. Lacey Mortensen of the Breakers scoreed the first goal of the game after a scramble in front of the net. The Breakers’ second goal came less than a minute later when Kim Penney hit the top corner of the Whalers net.

Wrapping up the first period, the Whalers scored back-to-back to even the score. The first tally, by Jess Sekulich, resulted from another scramble in front of the net. Then Melissa Dekker’s beauty shot from the high slot made its way past the blocker side of Emily Murray in net.

Amber Pash scored in the second period to put the Whalers ahead by one. But the Lauzons of the Breakers had an answer. Ashley Lauzon positioned herself in front of the Whalers net and tipped a shot from her wife, Gail Lauzon, to keep the game neck in neck.

With the game still knotted at three each, the third period contained a lot of back-and-forth action until Pash was able to sneak the puck in the short side under Murray’s pad with four minutes remaining on the clock.

The Breakers were unable to battle back, and the game ended in a 4-3 win for the Whalers.

For more information about upcoming games or how to get involved with women’s hockey in the Comox Valley, contact or CV Breakers Women’s Hockey on Facebook.

Comox Valley Record