Huskies golden in B.C. boys high school soccer

OKM completes undefeated season with shootout win in provincial AA final

The Okanagan Mission Huskies are the B.C. AA boys soccer champs after an undefeated 28-0 season. The Huskies are (back row) asst. coach Keith Shanks, Walker Shanks, Joe Overton, Dylan Wagner, Rafa Gutierrez, David Denton, Keevan Lee, Andrew Stevenson, Alex Beutle, Quintin Torresan, Ben Mcdonald, head coach Tony Overton, (front row) Arpan Kandola, Matt Fielding, Braden Peters, Dan Perry, Jesse Nanci, Mackenzie Rigg, Mike Sexton, Jordan Powers, Malte Thom. Missing is Spencer Young

The Okanagan Mission Huskies are the B.C. AA boys soccer champs after an undefeated 28-0 season. The Huskies are (back row) asst. coach Keith Shanks, Walker Shanks, Joe Overton, Dylan Wagner, Rafa Gutierrez, David Denton, Keevan Lee, Andrew Stevenson, Alex Beutle, Quintin Torresan, Ben Mcdonald, head coach Tony Overton, (front row) Arpan Kandola, Matt Fielding, Braden Peters, Dan Perry, Jesse Nanci, Mackenzie Rigg, Mike Sexton, Jordan Powers, Malte Thom. Missing is Spencer Young

It may have taken seven rounds of a shootout in the provincial final, but the OKM Huskies completed a perfect season Wednesday with a 2-1 win over Port Coquitlam’s Archbishop Carney Stars to win the B.C. AA high school boys’ soccer title.

It was sweet redemption for the Huskies, who had lost in a shootout at last year’s provincials that would have sent them to the gold medal game before winning the bronze medal, also in a shootout.

It was the school’s first provincial banner in any sport in 21 years.

“The boys have had a fantastic, phonemenal season,” said Huskies head coach Tony Overton. “It was a special team effort, not just by the 11 starters on the field but by all 20 players.”

Andrew Stevenson had given OKM a 1-0 lead in the first half of the final, only to see the Port Coquitlam school tie the game in the 70th minute and force a shootout. After both teams first shot was stopped, the next five players each scored for both schools with OKM goals coming from MacKenzie Rigg, Mike Sexton, Alex Beutle, Matt Fielding and Ben McDonald before the winner was scored by senior Jesse Nanci.

The victory capped off an unbeaten season for the Huskies who finished with a perfect 28-0 record.

“I’m very pleased in that we only conceded 14 goals all season long,” said Overton. “On top of a good, strong defense, we had solid offence and scoring from all positions.

“This was a dangerous team…a fantastic group of guys to work with.”

Huskies’ midfielder MacKenzie Rigg was named the tournament’s MVP.

Dylan Wagner earned a Golden Boot, while Andrew Stevenson was named to the Commissioner’s 11 all-star team.

Coach Overton also credited keeper Mike Sexton with an outstanding tournament in the Huskies’ goal.

“It would have been very difficult to win without (Mike),” Overton said.


Kelowna Capital News