Generic photo of young girls playing basketball. DREAMSTIME IMAGE

Generic photo of young girls playing basketball. DREAMSTIME IMAGE

Join Steve Nash Youth Basketball, Friday Night League

Once again, basketball is being offered for girls and boys this fall. The Steve Nash Youth Basketball/ Friday Night League is open for registration. No experience is necessary.

Once again, basketball is being offered for girls and boys this fall. The Steve Nash Youth Basketball/ Friday Night League is open for registration. No experience is necessary.

Participants will learn basic basketball skills while having fun. Sessions will be led by Peter Parke, who has many years of coaching experience.

The 10-week program begins Thursday, Sept. 20 at Lake Trail Middle School.

The categories offered are:

• Co-ed, K–Grade 3, Thursday, 6-7 p.m.

• Girls Grades 4-7, Thursday, 7-8 p.m.

• Girls Grades 8-12, Thursday, 8-9 p.m.

• Boys Grades 4-7, Monday, 6–7 p.m.

• Boys Grades 8-12, Monday, 7-8 p.m.

Register at and click on Steve Nash Youth Basketball.

Friday night league

Can’t make those times? Then sign up for the Friday Night League, Sept. 21 to Nov. 23.

Categories include:

• Girls Grades 4-7, 5-6:15 p.m., École Au-cœur-de-l’île

• Girls Grades 8-12, 6:15-7:30 p.m., École Au-cœur-de-l’île

• Boys Grades 4-7, 6–7 p.m., Lake Trail

• Boys Grades 8-12, 7-8 p.m., Lake Trail

If you want to really improve before the school season, then you can sign up for both.

Comox Valley Record