Junior golfers learn the proper waggle

Henke worked with the members of her Junior Golf program one on one.

For the past three weeks, five times a week, Lynda Henke has taken a different group of four junior golfers out for a nine hole game at the Nakusp Golf course.

The rounds were an exclusive opportunity for Henke to work with the members of her Junior Golf program one on one and are unique to this year’s program.

This was the fourth year running for the Junior Golf program, which focuses on the fundamental skills of the game and includes instruction on the ethical and protocol expectations of golfers.

But to Henke her program is more than just teaching kids how to golf.

“I wanted to promote the course and get them to feel like this is their course,” she said. “Nakusp golf is a members’ based club and these are our future members,” she said.

Twenty youth, ranging from eight to 15 years, participated in the 2014 program.

Junior golfer, Dawson Bone, commented that the program was “fun, we got to golf a lot” and taught him “how to be a better golfer and how to aim better.”

The group gathered for a final time on a sunny Wednesday morning for one last session at the driving range and then mixed up teams for a friendly nine hole round.








Arrow Lakes News