The Kelowna Chiefs season starts September 13. (Steve Dunsmoor - Dunsmoor Creative)

The Kelowna Chiefs season starts September 13. (Steve Dunsmoor - Dunsmoor Creative)

KIJHL adds Kelowna Chiefs’ late owner’s initials to helmets

Grant Sheridan died July 28 and is the honoured by Kootenay International Junior Hockey League

  • Aug. 14, 2019 12:00 a.m.

In a supportive gesture to the Kelowna Chiefs, the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League will add GS stickers to every players’ helmet this season.

The GS is in remembrance of Grant Sheridan, the Chiefs’ general manager and owner who died on July 28 after a battle with bacterial meningitis.

READ MORE: Kelowna business, hockey leader passes away

READ MORE: Emotional upcoming season for Kelowna Chiefs

Sheridan was a massive supporter of local and youth hockey programs and was well-loved in Rutland, where the Chiefs play, as well as across the Okanagan among other hockey communities.

The Chiefs return to action Sept. 13.

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