Molly Miller of Kimberley has made the Canadian National Ski Team. Doug Stephan photo.

Molly Miller of Kimberley has made the Canadian National Ski Team. Doug Stephan photo.

Kimberley’s Molly Miller makes Canadian National Ski Team

Kimberley's own Molly Miller has made the Canadian National Ski Team for the 2020 to 2021 season.

  • Jun. 11, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Kimberley’s own Molly Miller has made the Canadian National Ski Team for the 2020 to 2021 season.

“I was really excited for sure,” Miller told the Bulletin. “I was anticipating a phone call the week that I knew they were telling people, so I was really happy to get a call that I had made it officially.”

Miller, now 19, started skiing with the Jack Rabbits learn-to-ski program when she was about five, before quitting and then joining again when she was nine when she started racing and at 12 she started racing more competitively.

“I had a lot of success really early on and then since then there’s been some ups and downs like there is for anyone in this sport.”

Last year, Miller headed to Northern Michigan University to ski for the NMU Nordic Wildcats and study social work.

“[The move] was difficult at first,” Miller recalled. “I think with all students moving away to go to university there’s some home sickness. I moved away from home when I was in grade 11 to ski in Rossland for the year, so I was already prepared to live by myself, so I think that helped a lot.”

She added that she had an incredibly supportive team and great coaches in Michigan which enhanced the experience immensely; they were also thrilled to hear the news of her making the national ski team and have been sending her messages of congratulations.

Currently, Miller is training here in Kimberley, roller skiing, running and doing strength training.

“Normally on the national team there would be a trip to Norway in August, but due to COVID that’s not going ahead,” she said. “Hopefully there will be a camp in Quebec in August for the National team so I can go there and train with some fellow athletes.”

Making the national team is a big milestone for her, Miller said.

“I’ve always had dreams of representing Canada on the world cup and at the Olympics, so I think this is something to accomplish along the way in getting there. I hope, if Junior Worlds goes ahead, depending on what happens with COVID, I hope to qualify for that team again.”

So far throughout her career, Miller has claimed two US Junior National Championship wins, one Canadian Junior National Championship and competed at the Junior World Championships for team Canada and NCAAs.

She said she is thankful to her coaches in Michigan Andy Keller and Sten Fjeldheim and her coach here in Kimberley Dave Wood.

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