Kwalikum athletes honoured

Kwalikum Secondary School athletes recognized for their efforts in their sport of choice.

From the bumped but not forgotten files a list of those Kwalikum Secondary School athletes recognized for their efforts in their sport of choice.

According to KSS teacher/coach Ruth Stefanek, on June 18 the school presented it’s annual team awards, listed below in this order: Most Valuable Player, Most Improved Player, Coach’s Award (MVP/Sportsmanship/Inspirational).


Gr.9 Girls: Jenna Milne, Caitlin Leachman, Sydney Holland, Larissa Stefanek

Gr.9 Boys: Lucas Sposato, Josh Jai, Sean Becker

Gr.10 Girls: Charlotte Telfer-Wan, Dominique Genereux, Ellen Munroe

Gr.10 Boys: Ryan Becker, Devon Johanson, Cento Bevilacqua

Sr. Girls: Michaela Witte, Greta Wratislav, Bex Edge

Sr. Boys: Ben Robson, Dallas Uzelman, Shane Gayton


Jr. Girls: Larissa Stefanek, Montanna Mosher, Grace Yacoboski

Jr. Boys: Jacob Watson, Luke Singer, Ryan Becker

Sr. Girls: Katie Lindsay, Katje Pescke, Shania Frampton

Sr. Boys: Ben Robson, Austin Phye, Darian Atkinson


Maran Kokoszka, Willem Kuun, Flavia Sposato

Golf (2013 AA Provincial Champions)

Santiago Bourya, Blair Stewart, Scotty Austin


Gr.9 Girls: Tess Pinkerton, Sophie Denton-Kadluboswski

Gr.10 Girls: Grace McMahon, Savannah Campbell

Sr. Girls: Nikki Kirscha, Casey Hague, Sarah Munroe

ON JUNE 27 the following students were recognized with the school’s top athletic awards at an official awards ceremony:

Grade 9 Female Athletic Excellence: Caitlin Leachman and Larissa Stefanek

Grade 9 Male Athletic Excellence: Blair Stewart

Grade 10 Female Athletic Excellence: Griffin Parlow

Grade 10 Male Athletic Excellence: Ryan Becker

Senior Female Athletic Excellence: Nikki

Krishka, Michaela Witte & Joyalea Carson-Austin

Senior Male Athletic Excellence: Evan Stefanek and Ben Robson

Kip Lindsay Award, Most Inspirational Athlete: Santiago Bouyra

“Probably the smartest athletics group we have ever had,” KSS athletic director and teacher/coach Butch Gayton said when The NEWS asked him about the this year’s strong crop of recipients, pointing out “ 90% of these kids are Honour roll students or better …well rounded multi-sport athletes that excel in the classroom.”

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