

Ladies ignore heat and smoke to golf

We had 17 ladies out for golf on Aug 9, including several newer golfers


It was rather smokey and muggy but we had 17 ladies out for golf on Aug. 9. We had several newer golfers (Marie, Rio, Judy) and it was great to have them out. The special games was “ONESS.”

Stay tuned next week for the best five-hole scores.

We had 14 ladies stay for dinner and it was a nice social gathering.

The winners from the Aug. 3 (week 14) Ladies Night were:

Flight #1: Carol Hindle – low gross, long putt; Madeline Klassen – low net; Tanya Dejarlais – KP#5, long drive in 2; Deanna Pendergast – long drive.

Flight #2: Joan Slingsby – low gross, long drive in 2; Rosemary Harley – low net; Abbey Bates – KP#5, long putt; Marg Anderson – long drive.

Flight #3: Dawn Purdy – low gross; Deb Mayer – long drive in 2 and Carol McNeil – long putt.

Carol and Tanya tied for the best poker hand in Flight #1, Joan Slingsby had four of a kind to win in Flight #2 and Dawn had the highest hand in Flight #3.

Deanna had the least putts and Deb Mayer was the most honest putter. Deanna, Tanya and Abbey aimed a little to far to the left, lost their ball into the pond and were given replacements.

Jan Johnston had a great Chip In on Hole #1 and Carol and Tanya both had Birdies.

Call Carol (674-8771) or Jane (587-6290) if you have any questions about Ladies Night.

Thanks to our sponsors: Rona, The Caboose, Home Hardware, The Painted Turtle, Pharmasave, Buy-Low Foods, Wells Gray Inn and Tim Hortons.

Clearwater Times