Lawn bowling in Qualicum Beach

Rachel Paul, right, winds up while practicing lawn bowling during the Qualicum Beach Lawn Bowling Club’s annual open house.

LAWN BOWL: Rachel Paul, right, winds up while practicing lawn bowling during the Qualicum Beach Lawn Bowling Club’s annual open house weekend while club coach and vice-president Lynn Chwartacki guides her form. More than 40 people enjoyed the open house.

LAWN BOWL: Rachel Paul, right, winds up while practicing lawn bowling during the Qualicum Beach Lawn Bowling Club’s annual open house weekend while club coach and vice-president Lynn Chwartacki guides her form. More than 40 people enjoyed the open house.

Rachel Paul, right, winds up while practicing lawn bowling during the Qualicum Beach Lawn Bowling Club’s annual open house weekend while club coach and vice-president Lynn Chwartacki guides her form. More than 40 people enjoyed the open house.

Parksville Qualicum Beach News