LDSS boys soccer provincials

The Lakes District Secondary School boys soccer team had a great season this year.

Lakes District Secondary School’s Jannik Michalzik (L) plays past the opposition in a rain storm during provincial soccer championships. Curtis Brown and André Dubé display some teamwork (R) during the same tournament. All three players were game MVPs for the LDSS Lakers.

Lakes District Secondary School’s Jannik Michalzik (L) plays past the opposition in a rain storm during provincial soccer championships. Curtis Brown and André Dubé display some teamwork (R) during the same tournament. All three players were game MVPs for the LDSS Lakers.

The Lakes District Secondary School boys soccer team had a great season this year.

They won their zone championships in Prince George in October and then in November travelled to Abbotsford for the B.C. Secondary School boys “A” provincial championships. There were 16 teams from all over the province. The boys played against West Point Grey, Southridge, Similkameen, Mulgrave and Fraser Lake. The team played in a torrential downpour one day. Their three games were very exciting and well-played. Game MVPs were Matt Skinner, Andre Dubé, Curtis Brown, Jannik Michalzik, Pierce Hofer and Benny D’Silva. Matt Skinner was chosen as one of the “Commissioner’s 11”.

Logan Gray and Brandon Strizich were out with injuries.


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