Local Special Olympics athletes Ian Lowther and Kendall Salanski were at local Tim Hortons to celebrate and raise awareness of the Special Olympics Global Day of Inclusion July 20. Photo submitted

Local Special Olympics athletes Ian Lowther and Kendall Salanski were at local Tim Hortons to celebrate and raise awareness of the Special Olympics Global Day of Inclusion July 20. Photo submitted

Local athletes promote Special Olympics Global Day of Inclusion

On July 20 Tim Hortons teamed up with the Special Olympics to raise awareness and funds

  • Jul. 23, 2019 12:00 a.m.

The Special Olympics celebrated the second-annual Special Olympics Global Day of Inclusion on July 20 in a tasty way.

Local Tim Hortons restaurants were selling a limited-edition donut, which was created by Ontario athlete Tori Ranson.

All proceeds from the donut went to empower the athletes participating in year-round Special Olympics programs including children youth and adults. The campaign also aims to ignite inclusion all across Canada.

Athletes from the Kimberley/Cranbrook Special Olympics chapter were at the local Tim Hortons in town to help spread the importance of inclusion and to tell their stories.

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Athletes Kendall Salanski and Ian Lowther were at the Tamarack location, while Ben Stein was at the other.

The local chapter wanted to thank everyone who came out to purchase a donut or two, and those who made a donation to support the Special Olympics Programs.

However, it wasn’t just one day of celebrations and raising awareness of inclusion, the Special Olympics Global Week of Inclusion ran from July 15-20. The week was about showing and celebrating how far things have come in terms of opening hearts and minds and changing attitudes towards individuals with intellectual disabilities. But, it’s also a reminder that work needs to continue to ensure inclusion in all communities.

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