Minor soccer ushers in a new board

Registration for OMHSA goes until March 31, volunteers needed

A dozen people attended the 100 Mile House & District Soccer Association (OMHSA) annual general meeting, but it was expected.

The new executive includes chair Julia Hendry, vice-chair divisional (house program) Daniel Hutchins, vice-chair (rep soccer) Shane Jordaan, secretary Lianne Heales, director of sponsorship Janet Heine, directors of risk management and coaching Steve Keller and Ryan Cunningham, and director of referee recruitment and development Werner Heine.

“We had about a dozen people attend the AGM. Unfortunately, at the same time, there was a meeting at the [Peter Skene Ogden Secondary School] for all Grade 7 families, says chair Julia Hendry.

“There were some volunteers who spoke up beforehand because they were unable to attend that evening.”

This year, one of the big goals for OMHSA is to recharge the player development program. In order to do this, they have recruited the assistance of some volunteers from the community who have many years of coaching experience.

The association recruited a new technical co-ordinator Marco Bueler who will work in conjunction with the newly formed player development committee.

He will use the prescribed BC Soccer Association player age appropriate development information and introduce a player development strategy, encompassing both recreational and higher level competition.

Bueler will provide ongoing guidance to coaches and the committee with the development of player clinics, coaches clinics, targeted training sessions, and possible outside association travel.

Registration goes until March 31 and forms can be found on the website (www.100milesoccer.com). They can be dropped off at Borgos’ Sport Shack or Jean’s Place Consignment Store.

Noting this year’s soccer season starts two weeks earlier than previous years, Hendry says it is very important that anyone wishing to register do so by March 31, so they are able to get teams built and coaches assigned in order to meet our startup date.

“At this time our board executive has already been set, but we are always looking for volunteers.

“Everything we do in OMHSA is run by volunteers. We are still looking for people to participate in various committees and to help with functions from coaching and equipment managers to running the concession stand.”

She adds that it takes lots of parents and volunteers to make the season a success for the players.

For more information or to volunteer, call 250-644-2135 or e-mail info@100milesoccer.com or check out their website at 100milesoccer.com.

100 Mile House Free Press