The Nanaimo NightOwls baseball club has announced that all players, coaches, team staff and host families will have to be vaccinated from COVID-19 to be part of the organization. (News Bulletin file photo)

Nanaimo NightOwls baseball club makes vaccines mandatory

All players, coaches, staff and host families will have to be fully immunized

  • Aug. 11, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Nanaimo’s new baseball team won’t let anyone into their dugout unless they’re fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

The Nanaimo NightOwls organization issued a press release Wednesday, Aug. 11, announcing its protocols for next season. All players, coaches, team staff and host families will require full vaccination to be part of the organization.

“This is the right thing to do at this time, while we all watch the continued developments with this pandemic,” said Jim Swanson, general manager of the NightOwls. “It is a privilege to be part of our programs, and that carries a lot of responsibility and accountability.”

Swanson said with billions of people around the world now immunized, the organization feels that the vaccines have been proven safe and effective.

The NightOwls will have additional COVID-19 health and safety protocols in place in case of any positive tests or contact with anyone who tests positive.

“The [team] will also stay well-informed on best practices, and will adjust this and any protocols as this world-wide situation evolves,” the press release noted.

Swanson said the organization will handle requests for medical exemptions “privately and prudently.”

The organization hasn’t yet decided if fans will be required to show proof of vaccination to enter the stadium.

“The team will follow and monitor other sport event and public event protocols over the winter before making such a decision,” the release noted.

READ ALSO: Nanaimo NightOwls cancel season due to COVID-19

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