Oliver, 8, tests out the new bike park in Smithers.

Oliver, 8, tests out the new bike park in Smithers.

New Smithers bike park open

A new bike park at Elks Park in Smithers is now open for riders of all skill levels.

By Jackie Lieuwen


Smithers bikers are already flying over the jumps of the new bike park in Elks Park.

“It’s awesome!” said six-year-old Quinn of the track.

“There are lots of jumps.”

The skills park was designed and built by the Smithers Mountain Biking Association (SMBA) with lots of donations and volunteer support.

It features a centre pump track with berms and rollers and a progressive line of jumps and drops, from beginner to intermediate to advanced.

SMBA Trails Director Derek Pelzer said it was designed so beginner riders could see a progression and advance in their skills.

“We didn’t want to limit people with the park. We wanted to keep it for people to build their skills before they head to the hills,” Pelzer said.

Parent Danielle Doucette said it is a great place to bring her kids.

“There is a place for everybody on the track. The inside is for little guys and then the outside gets bigger,” she said.

“There is something for everyone. That’s the best part about it.”

Larry McCreighton said he thinks it is fantastic to have.

He said it is a bit tight for bigger bikes, but it is great and attracts every age.

Paul Creighton agrees.

“It’s a really great feature to have in town. It gives a good controlled place for people to learn how to ride and get better, especially little guys.”

The skills park was started in early June and opened June 20, and SMBA Pelzer said it still needs a few finishing touches.

A grand opening for the park is in the works for August, but the trails will be open all summer for riders.

Smithers Interior News