minor soccer

minor soccer

Off the sidelines and into the pitch

Nakusp elementary and secondary soccer fields were littered with brightly colored jerseys .

The Nakusp Minor Soccer program wrapped up its 2014 season with a spirited game of kids vs parents on Wednesday June 11.

Nakusp elementary and secondary soccer fields were littered with brightly colored jerseys ducking and weaving between towering adults in lighthearted attempts to show-off newly learned skills.

The annual tradition caps off a successful season of spirited competition between two junior, four peewee and two novice teams with over 100 young participants.

The Nakusp Minor soccer organization was sponsored by Royal LePage and Rec Commission #4, and each team was individually sponsored by local business.

Nakusp Minor Soccer organizers would like to thank all of the coaches and volunteers that helped make this year’s season a reality. They would also like to acknowledge Deanne and Daryl Katchen for donating signs to the organization.


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