Sabine Bailey, 12, races around the Archie Browning Sports Centre arena during Speed Week, a province-wide speed skating competition Dec. 17. (Nina Grossman/News Staff)

Sabine Bailey, 12, races around the Archie Browning Sports Centre arena during Speed Week, a province-wide speed skating competition Dec. 17. (Nina Grossman/News Staff)

PHOTOS: Greater Victoria skaters vie for title of fastest in B.C.

Esquimalt Speed Skating Association hosts Speed Week event at Archie Browning rink

  • Dec. 22, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Skaters of all kinds dashed across the ice at Archie Browning Sports Arena on Dec. 17 for Speed Week, the BC Speed Skating Association’s new province-wide competition to find B.C.’s fastest skater.

Participants of all ages hit the ice, their one-lap dashes against the clock recorded and sent off in hopes they would be named B.C.’s fastest skater.

RELATED: Esquimalt speed skating week helps province find fastest skater

The BC Speed Skating Association will crown champions for male and female skaters in six age groups: 3-5 years of age, 6-9 years of age, 10-12 years of age, 13-15 years of age, 16-18 years of age and skaters 19-years-old and older.

The Esquimalt Speed Skating Club participated along with a handful of community members – from hockey players to figure skaters – who wanted a shot at the big title.

“The crowd is great, everyone seems to be having fun,” said organizer Jody Fairbairn. “We have a lot of followers on Facebook and we’re seeing some really great comments. We’ve been cheering each other on and it’s been really great for building community.”

READ ALSO: Little Saanich speed skaters make big strides

Fairbairn says the event helped fundraise for a portion of the safety mats the group needs to operate.

For more information on the Esquimalt Speed Skating Club, visit the group’s Facebook page @VictoriaSpeedSkating.

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