Lillian Wicks, Star 2 level, at the McLaren Park Arena on Dec. 8 for the Winter Wonderland Showcase hosted by the Glengarry Skating Club. Jordyn Thomson/Western News

Lillian Wicks, Star 2 level, at the McLaren Park Arena on Dec. 8 for the Winter Wonderland Showcase hosted by the Glengarry Skating Club. Jordyn Thomson/Western News

Photos: Winter Wonderland Showcase at McLaren Park Arena

Hosted by the Glengarry Skating Club on Dec. 8

The Glengarry Skating Club hosted its annual Winter Wonderland Exhibition at McLaren Park Arena on Dec. 8 to showcase their figure skaters in front a hometown crowd.

Figure skaters from the Star Academy Team, Primary StarSkate Team, and Intermediate/Senior/Competitive StarSkate Team delivered their competition performances.

Penticton Western News