Port Alberni Lawn Bowling club holds open house

Port Alberni Lawn Bowling club holds open house

Come and learn all about the sport

  • Apr. 26, 2019 12:00 a.m.

The Port Alberni Lawn Bowling club is holding an open house on Saturday, May 4 from 1:30–4:30 p.m.

Members invite the public to come to the club and find out what the sport of lawn bowling is all about. It’s a cross between bowling (because you throw the ball with one hand similar to bowling) and curling (because you aim at a target, although in lawn bowling the target moves).

The club, at 4255 Wallace St., situated between Echo Centre and Alberni District Secondary School (ADSS), was built by volunteers in 1991. Access is from Wallace Street (turn left at the Wood Elementary School entrance).

The lawn bowling season runs from early May to September, and there are both afternoon and evening leagues as well as an open fun night and drop-in nights depending on the schedule.

There are coaching sessions available to beginner lawn bowlers.

For more information, phone 250-724-3354 and leave a message or go online to www.portalbernilawnbowling.com.

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