Quesnel River Archers take aim and fire

The Quesnel River Archers hosted a 3D outdoor competition May 24 – 25.

The Quesnel River Archers hosted a 3D outdoor competition May 24 – 25, shooting against participants from Prince George, Williams Lake, 150 Mile House and 100 Mile House.

There were 100 archers at the two-day event.

The archers walked the course twice on Saturday and once on Sunday, with 30 targets spaced out at set locations.

The objective was for archers to guess the unknown distance of the target to make a well placed shot, with their points determining the ranking in various categories. The Quesnel River Archers took charge of the competition, placing in many catrgories.

In the women’s division, Katie Wollen’s aim helped her to win first place with a pee wee barebow.

Shooting for first with a master barebow was Donna Lundgren, with fellow River Archer Tammy Raynor coming in second place.

More first place winners included Kelly Murray with a youth barebow, Phyllis Arthur with a master bowhunter open and shooting with a master bowhunter release was Dayle Campbell.

Taking aim with a bowhunter release was archer Cindy Hesselgrave, winning third place.

In the men’s division, shooting into first place with a pee wee barebow was Logan Wollen.

Also taking home first place was Alex Berlinguette with a cub compound, Evertt Raynor with a youth barebow, Tyler Broughton shooting a bowhunter open and taking aim with a master longbow was Eric Baumgartner.

Quesnel dominated with the cub barebow taking first place was Justin Carter and Daniel DeKroon’s aim earned him second place.

With a master open Sandy Waston came in first, with fellow Quesnel archer Murray Ingram placing third.

Second place winners included Brennen Daly with a pre cub compound, taking aim to place with a long bow was Philip Carter, Nick Berlinguette with a youth compound and shooting a master barebow was Al Fleck.

Kristian Nysven’s aim earned him third place with a bowhunter release.

Also leaving the competition with third place was James Carter with a barebow.

The weather held out, helping to make this tournament enjoyable for the people involved.

On Sunday, the awards and door prizes were handed out.

The Quesnel River Archers would like to thank all the volunteer and sponsors who donated time and effort, making the event a success and hope to see everyone back next year.


Quesnel Cariboo Observer