Red Mountain Racers prep for ski swap

Rossland's Red Mountain Racers will be holding the annual Ski Swap on Saturday, Oct. 27 at Willi Krause Field House in Trail.

It’s that time of year again. When the colours change on the hills, and the nights offer a touch of frost. And the winter tradition of shopping for new ski gear comes full circle with the selling of the old.

Red Mountain Racers will be holding the annual Ski Swap on Saturday, Oct. 27 at Willi Krause Field House in Trail. Gear check in starts at 8:30 a.m. and experienced volunteers will be on hand to help you price your gear if you need it. There is a charge of $1 per checked item. Check-in continues through 11 a.m.

Also on hand will be local ski shops selling new gear at reduced prices.

We always have a great selection of new and used gear at this swap,” said Christine Andison, who is organizing this year’s swap. “It is a great opportunity to update your equipment, whether you are a snowboarder or a skier. We’d just like to remind consignors that, if your gear is too old or too damaged, we can’t accept it for consignment.

While there may be a market for ‘fence skis,’ we don’t suggest that this is the best place to sell or to find them.” quips Andison.

Representatives from the Nancy Greene Ski League will also be on hand to welcome any new or returning skier to the club.

We are encouraging anyone interested in joining Red Mountain Racers, or the Nancy Greene Ski League, to go to our new website, to learn about the club and to download the registration forms,” Phil Patterson, head coach of Red Mountain Racers, said. “But there will be lots of racers and racing parents at the swap to answer any questions you might have.”

Nancy Greene Ski League is open to kids from 5-12 years old who are able to ride Red Chair unassisted (with the box). The Nancy Greene Ski League is the “FUNdamental” stage of ski racing. During this time, they will be introduced to basic skiing techniques and skills, develop the ABC’S (agility, balance, coordination, strength/speed) in as many different snow conditions and terrains as possible and most of all, have fun on skis.

Each year the children participate within their club in team and individual competitions. Included in the price are optional races that take place at local hills throughout the area with other Nancy Greene teams.

The focus is on skill development and love of skiing. While the program does have an element of gate and speed training, fostering a love of the sport is the ultimate goal.

Staff from Red Mountain Resort will have a booth set up to take your photo and issue your 2012-2013 seasons pass.

The ski swap is a great place to connect with other racers, learn about the club, not to mention sell old gear and pick up new stuff.

For more information Red Mountain Racers, the Nancy Greene Ski League or the 2012 Ski Swap, please go to


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