Volunteers hard at work in the Valemount Bike Park. (Submitted)

Volunteers hard at work in the Valemount Bike Park. (Submitted)

Revelstoke Snowmobile Club gets funding from Columbia Basin Trust

They were one of 25 organisations awarded a total of $400,00

  • Aug. 30, 2019 12:00 a.m.

The Revelstoke Snowmobile Club has been granted $12,530 from the Columbia Basin Trust to replace an aging trailhead structure that houses information.

The structure is at the West Boulder Trailhead.

The funding is from the trust’s Trail Enhancement fund. There were 25 grants given that totalled $400,000.

READ MORE: City of Revelstoke hands out Resort Municipality Initiative funding

“The basin has a remarkable system of trails, and residents told us to prioritize supporting projects that increase accessibility for more people to get out into nature,” said Tim Hicks, senior manager, Delivery of Benefits. “We are helping groups create new trails and rehabilitate existing infrastructure to support trail users with a broad range of interests.”

In addition to creating new trails, the projects are focused on repairing or replacing aging infrastructure, increasing accessibility for a variety of users, addressing erosion issues and adding new amenities.

A few other projects that were funded include a new trail in Sparwood close to the downtown core and the high school and a system of maps and regulatory signage in Castlegar.


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