BC Special Olympics-Campbell River is holding their annual Registration Evening on Wednesday, Sept. 14, 5:30 p.m. at Rotary Beach Park.
Special Olympics is dedicated to providing individuals from age 12 -80, who have an intellectual disability, the opportunity to win in sport, and in life. Registration is for all current athletes as well as new athletes (Must be at least 12 years of age). New athletes must bring their Care Card, all medical information, a Pharmacy print-out of any prescription medications, their contact information, and $10 registration fee.
Coaches and Volunteers are needed for Floor Hockey, 5 Pin Bowling, 10 Pin Bowling, Swimming, Power Lifting, and Basketball, but most urgently, they are in need of a Rhythmic Gymnastics Coach. Their gymnastics Coach had to step down this year and without a coach there will be some very disappointed gymnasts. The time requirement would be approximately three hours per week. This coach would need to be female and reasonably physically fit. Some gymnastics experience is preferred but if you are interested and eager, we can provide training. Contact Ann at 250-830-0527 or come to the Registration Evening.
For over 25 years, Special Olympics British Columbia and thousands of dedicated volunteers across the province have changed the lives of athletes forever. To find out how you can change a life, including your own, come out to the registration jamboree.