On Tuesday, June 21 at the Comox Golf Club, Nancy Riva had the low gross score with 85. Second low gross was Grace Coulter with 92.
Low net for the day was Cathy Dash with 67, followed by Yvonne Baker with 68. Nancy Riva, Mary Suchla, Nancy Newton, Brenda Good, Luella Dooe, Linda Callender, Linda Diamond, Buchan Mahon and Jean Kirby all had chip-ins.
We would like to thank the following sponsors: Panago Pizza, Videos ‘n’ More, Looneyrama in the Comox mall, Double G Golf Sales and Sprinklers Grill at the Comox Golf Club. Sponsor prizes went to: Mary Suchla, Rosalie Williams, Nancy Newton, Monique Fawcett, Yvonne Baker. Marva Opperman had the longest putt.