Rod & Gun Club open for business

Shooting events are planned and historical information sought

The annual general meeting of the Forest Grove and District Rod & Gun Club (FGR&GC) on March 13 centred not only on upcoming events throughout the summer, but it also looked at recording their history.

Established in 1935, this is one of, if not, the oldest clubs in Forest Grove, but there does not appear to be much in the way of documentation and pictures.

With this in mind, the decision was made to seek, collect and assemble photographs and stories, as well as possible (newspaper) articles, and combine all that information into an album, recounting the history of this 80-year-old organization.

The FGR&GC is, therefore, urging current, as well as past members, family and friends to see if they have any photographs or stories they could provide – all originals will be copied and returned.

Facts and submissions sought from foundation to date include group pictures, target range and trap shoots, banquets and trophies, together with any narratives related to the club.

Please pass on any information, trophies and/or photographs to either a member or contact the organization via email –

The annual Hans Saenger Memorial Trap Shoot, along with a potluck barbecue will take place on May 1 starting at 1 p.m. This shoot is open to members and their guests.

Starting on May 15, the club’s regular trap shoot season will be held every second and fourth Sunday of the month – weather permitting. Reminders will be sent out to members.

A family gathering in form of a barbecue is also planned this summer – details to be determined.

New members are always welcome.


100 Mile House Free Press