Players from the Rowdies high five in between innings during Williams Lake Slo-Pitch League tournament play Aug. 7-8. (Photo submitted)

Rotten Eggs, Rookies, Esket’em take titles at Williams Lake Slo-Pitch League Tournament

The Williams Lake Slo-Pitch League will host two more tournaments this season

Fifteen teams converged at the Esler Sports Complex ball fields Aug. 7-8 for the Williams Lake Slo-Pitch League’s first tournament of the season.

League president Linda Barbondy Rich said it was a great weekend featuring competitive ball and decent weather throughout.

“Everything went really smoothly,” Barbondy Rich said. “Every team showed up to play, teams were great about cleaning up after themselves, and we had some close games.”

The A division final saw a back and forth tilt between perennial powerhouses, the Rowdies and Rotten Eggs, with the Rotten Eggs squeaking out a 17-14 win to take the championship.

In the B division it was the Rookies edging the Vigilantes, 16-11, while Esket’em was dominant over its final opponents, Ole School, 16-1.

READ MORE: Slo-pitch league set to host first tournament of 2021 season

Barbondy Rich said Williams Lake will play host to two more tournaments this season — the WLSPL Year End Tournament Sept. 16-19 and the Rowdies Tournament from Sept. 25-26, prior to late summer, early fall work getting underway to replace the infield crush at the Esler Sports Complex ball fields.

The Rowdies Tournament, meanwhile, will be the 25th annual, and Barbondy Rich said teams will need to register in advance by contacting her via the WLSPL Facebook page. The tournament currently has space for 12 teams.


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