Dr’Agonize Dragon Boat Team members George Ujimoto and Albert Schmidt lead their team to the finish line to win the 24th annual Beat The Train race held Sunday. U Wanna Kumana were first in the open category, second in the open was Hawaii or Bust, first in the corporate category was Happy Turtles, first in the mixed masters was Moritz, first in the open men was Father and “Slow Sun,” and first in mixed was the Court Jesters.

Sprint to the finish: Dr’Agonize Dragon Boat Team members George Ujimoto and Albert Schmidt lead their team to the finish line to win the 24th annual Beat The Train race held Sunday. U Wanna Kumana were first in the open category, second in the open was Hawaii or Bust, first in the corporate category was Happy Turtles, first in the mixed masters was Moritz, first in the open men was Father and “Slow Sun,” and first in mixed was the Court Jesters.