
Sports scores and league standings from Summerland.


Summerland Senior Men’s Club

July 9

The club played a one gross/three net scores event. Bob Fortune was the overall low gross for the day at 75 and Stuart Scott had the overall low net with a 69.  Andy Webster, Peter Schnurr, Ken Bridgeman and Doug Marchesi shared the deuce pot. Highlight of the day was a hole in one by Don Michiel on number 16. It was his first.

First Flight: First low gross Bob Fortune, 75; first low net Barry Wicker, 70; second low net Dave Carleton, 73; third low net Andy Webster, 74.

Second Flight: First low gross Heinz Burki, 82; first low net Reg Crane, 70; second low net Barry Kedda, 71; third low net Nick Coe, 72.

Third Flight: First low gross Gulbag Hans, 88; first low net Stuart Scott, 69; second low net Doug Marchesi, 72; third low net George Carswell, 74.

Summerland Senior Ladies Club

July 2

The club played a Drop 2 Scores event.

Results: First Judy Statham, 59; second Margo Humphreys, 60; third Anka Manders, 61; fourth Barb Oleschuk and Zoe Morris,  62.

July 9

The club played even holes or odd  holes.

Results: First Ellen Clay and Norma Chambers, 59; second Yvonne Stelzer, 60; third Kitty Porter, 63; fourth Pat Stohl and Vi Ward, 64.

Sumac Ridge Senior Men

June 24

Results: Low gross Les Allen, 38. Low net Wayne Symes, Scotty Stephen 30. Closest to pin, Bob Webb.

July 8

Results: Low gross Fern Michaud, 34. Low net Wayne Symes, 31. Longest putt, Maurice Wood.


Summerland Review