
Sports scores and game summaries from Summerland league action.


Sumac Ridge Golf Club

Senior Men

The Sumac Ridge Golf Club Senior Men played on May 21.

Results: Low gross Gerry Bryant, 34. Low net Dan Kelly, 31. Birds Wayne Symes. Closest to pin Wayne Symes.

Summerland Golf and Country Ladies Club

On Tuesday, May 20, the Summerland Golf and Country Ladies Club played the Betty Prince Day Tournament sponsored by Marilyn Tamblyn.

Results: Overall low gross (by retrogression) Doris Tower, 85; overall low net Charlotte Campana, 65.

First Flight: First low gross Carol Mulligan, 85; first low net Vijai Vaagen, 71.

Second Flight: First low gross Margo Humphreys, 94; first low net Linda Palmer, 73; second low gross Diana Lietch, 97; second low net Helen Benallick, 76.

Third Flight: First low gross Ev Crane 98; first low net Marion Enns, 70; second low gross Julie Macaulay, 104; second low net Jackie Martin, 75.

Deuce pot winner: Gwen Redfern. K.P.#4 Charlotte Campana, K.P.#2 no winner.

Summerland Senior Men’s Club

On May 22, the Summerland Senior Men’s Club played a gross/net/gross/net event.

Greg Flook fired a fine 76 to take low gross honours and Sandy McDowell had a net 67 to top the field.

Seven players shared the deuce pot with Nick Coe getting two.

First Flight: First low gross Greg Flook, 76; fist low net Garth Humphreys, 69; second low gross Bob Fortune, 77; second low net Alf Vaagen, 71.

Second Flight: First low gross Rick Gotobed, 80; first low net Sandy McDowell, 67; second low gross Chuck Harman, 83; second low net John Lawrence, 71.

Third Flight: First low gross Stew MacAulay, 90; first low net George Carswell, 75; second low gross Ron Unger, 92; second low net Stuart Scott, 75.


Summerland Review