
Game summaries and league standings from Summerland.


Summerland Senior Ladies

On June 23, the Summerland Senior Ladies Club played a count your putts event.

Results: First Ruth Daviduk, 30; second Judy Keegan and Vi Ward, 31; third Vijai Vaagen, Liz Nisbet and Gwen Redfern, 33.

Summerland Senior Men’s Club

The Summerland Senior Men’s Club played a one gross three net scores event on June 23.

Bob Fortune was the overall low gross winner with a 78 while Barry Wicker took home low net honours by countback over Chuck Harman and Heinz Burki with 69.

Greg Flook and Ken Robertson shared the deuce pot.

First Flight: First low gross Bob Fortune, 78; first low net Barry Wicker, 69 cb; second low net Chuck Harman, 69 cb; third low net Heinz Burki 69.

Second Flight: First low gross Sandy McDowell, 87; first low net Peter Schnurr, 75 cb; second low net Eric Johnson, 75; third low net Don Michiel, 78 cb.

Third Flight: First low gross Rick Condrashoff, 95; first low net Ken Foster, 73; second low net Wayne Statham, 75; third low net Jim Wood, 76 cb.


Summerland Review