
Sports scores and league standings from Summerland.


Summerland Ladies Club

On Aug. 31 and Sept. 1, the Summerland Golf and Country Ladies Club competed for the Rental Cup in the Summerland Rental Centre Tournament.

Results: Overall low net Julie  Macaulay, 146, winner of the cup; second Vi Ward, 148; third Barb Hatton, 152; fourth Ruth Daviduk, 154; fifth (by retrogression) Ellen Clay, 155; sixth (by retrogression) Gwen Redfern, 155; seventh (by retrogression) Amanda McConaghy, 156; eighth (by retrogression) Lil Smith, 156; ninth (by retrogression) Anka Manders, 160; 10th (by retrogression) Donna MacEwen, 160.

In addition there were many “Closest to the Pin”  and” Longest Putt” prizes.

The weather was cooler and a bit damper but did not dampen the enthusiasm and fun.

Thanks to all who participated and thanks to the sponsor, Summerland Rental Centre.

Summerland Senior Ladies

On Sept. 3, the Summerland Senior Ladies played a best back or best front event

Results: First Vijai Vaagen, 68; second Helen Benallick, 71; third Liz Nisbet, 72; fourth (tie) Pat  Stohl and Norma Chambers, 74; fifth (tie) Vi Ward and Gwen Redfern, 75.

Summerland Senior Men

On Sept. 3, the Summerland Senior Men’s Club played an all net scores event.

Andy Webster led all players with a seven under par net 65 and Webster, Barry Wicker and Bob Tamblyn shared the deuce pot.

First Flight: First Barry Wicker, 69; second Heinz Burki, 70; third Dwain Sandrelli, 73 cb; fourth Garth Humphries, 73.

Second Flight: First Andrew Webster, 65; second Jeff Clarke, 71; third Mac Cleary, 73 cb; fourth Frank Davie, 73.

Third Flight: First Bob Tamblyn, 69; second Moe Mellow, 70; third Wally Barton, 73; fourth Terry Steinke, 74.

Sumac Ridge Senior Men

Sept. 2.

Results: Low gross Joe Driscoll, 38; Grant Fletcher, 38. Low net Dan Kelly, 30. Closest to the pin: Joe Driscoll.


Summerland Review