Dwain, Peter and Dan try to catch The Big One for the Blue Knuckle Derby.

Dwain, Peter and Dan try to catch The Big One for the Blue Knuckle Derby.

Second annual Blue Knuckle Derby has easier weather, tougher fishing

The second annual Blue Knuckle Derby took place over Jan. 19 and 20, this year with no blizzard for the fishers to contend against.

The second annual Blue Knuckle Derby took place over Jan. 19 and 20, this year with no blizzard for the fishers to contend against. The water was calm, but the fishing was spottier this year for many too.

As of ten minutes after the weigh in time of 4 p.m. on Sunday, the winner with a 12.5 pound rainbow was Jesse Martin. Boats were still coming in slightly after four, but it looked like Martin was holding the title.

There were approximately 120 fishers in this year’s contest, and a large number of prizes were handed out to raffle ticket holders. Even though they didn’t walk away with the biggest fish prize, many did bag some quality swag. The Nakusp General Store took on selling tickets and coordinating prizes again this year with Tracy Roberts.


Arrow Lakes News